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Announcing our New AR-OK DEM!

Writer: Krista FeierabendKrista Feierabend

Announcing our New AR-OK Director of Evangelical Mission and Associate for Youth and Young Adult Ministry

We are excited to announce that Pastor Becca Middeke-Conlin (she/her/hers) has been called to serve as the Director of Evangelical Mission (DEM) and Associate for Youth and Young Adult Ministry in the Arkansas Oklahoma Synod. She will start her new call among us on July 6, 2021.

Pastor Becca has served congregations in Connecticut and Pennsylvania where she has developed a passion for youth ministry and social justice. Over the last few years she has been the founder and lead organizer of two events in the North East Pennsylvania Synod: We Love, a day of worship and workshops to help congregations be more welcoming to the LGBTQIA+ community, and Trouble the Water, which focuses on racial justice and reconciliation. Becca grew up in the St Louis area before moving to Minnesota during middle school. She attended college in Wisconsin before going east to attend seminary at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. She is looking forward to returning to the middle of the country.

Please hold Pastor Becca in your prayers as she says farewell to her current congregations, searches for a new home here in Tulsa and makes the move from Pennsylvania to Oklahoma. Once she is settled, we’ll plan some opportunities to get to know her and welcome her to our synod. Plan to invite her to visit your congregation this fall!


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