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Faith Formation in a Post-Pandemic World

Writer: Krista FeierabendKrista Feierabend

Thursdays: Sept. 2, Oct. 7, Nov. 4, 2021; Jan. 6, Feb. 3, Mar. 3, 2022 at 10 AM (CDT)

A Webinar Program for Designing Faith for 2021 and Beyond Hosted by Lifelong Faith and in partnership with the Rio Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church, and Southwestern Texas Synod, and supported by Nebraska Synod, and the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod The pandemic disrupted all of life, including the ways that we have done faith formation. Now as we emerge into the post-pandemic world, we can begin planning for the future of faith formation in Christian churches. This webinar program and accompanying resources from Lifelong Faith Associates seeks to answer the question: What will faith formation look like as we emerge from the pandemic in Fall 2021 and beyond? WEBINAR SCHEDULE - All Thursdays from 10:00 am - 11:30 am CDT (REGISTER HERE)

WEBINAR SCHEDULE - All Thursdays from 10:00 am - 11:30 am CDT (REGISTER HERE)

  •  Sept. 2 - Building Community and Relationships in Post-Pandemic World

  •  Oct. 7 - Formation For Christian Living in a New World

  •  Nov. 4 - Planning for 2022 and Beyond: A Faith Formation Planning Clinic

  •  Jan. 6 - Designing Children and Family Faith Formation for the Post-Pandemic World

  •  Feb. 3 - Designing Adolescent and Emerging Adult Faith Formation for the Post-Pandemic World

  •  Mar. 3 - Designing Adult Faith Formation for the Post-Pandemic World

COST: FREE (THANKS to our Partners Rio Texas Conference-UMC; Southwestern Texas Synod; Nebraska Synod)


 Each webinar is 90 minutes in length with presentation, group interaction, and application activities; and con-ducted on Zoom. You will receive the Zoom Link once you have registered. REGISTER HERE!

The program includes resources created to accompany each webinar and assist churches in designing faith formation--all provided on the LifelongFaith’s website; Videos from each presentation will also be available after the presentation to share with your leaders and teams in the church.


 For Rio Texas (the Rev. Tanya Campen); For Southwestern Texas Synod (Deacon Darcy Mittelstaedt); For Ne-braska Synod (Lisa Kramme); For Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod (the Rev. Becca Middeke-Conlin)

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