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Phone and Video Conversation for Congregation Leaders in the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod

Writer's picture: Pastor LizPastor Liz

For congregation leaders:  Deacons, Pastors, Presidents, Ministry Team Leaders, etc.

I don’t know about you, but this is such a strange time.  I find myself at a loss on how to act, react, or respond.  I’m out of sorts one moment, just fine the next and then sometimes even creative and purposeful.  All this to say – I’m so grateful that we are in this together.  I’m proud and humbled by the ways I see you figuring out how to be Church in such times as these.

How good it is that God has not abandoned this world, but sustains it by grace, mercy, and love through Jesus.  How good it is that the Holy Spirit works through you and me to serve and to be living signs of hope!

Bishop Mike, the Deans and Executive Council invite all congregation leaders to come together for a conversation.  The purpose is to create a space to talk about how to be the Church in such a time as this.  Bring your ideas, concerns, encouragements, prayers and whatever it might be on your mind as one of the leaders in your congregation and area.  Those present for the meeting will co-create the agenda.

Friday, March 20, at 3:00 pm and/or Tuesday, March 24, at 6:00 pm

Contact Pastor Liz for the online link or phone number to join the conversation.

Cell  (608) 498-5515

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