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Calling all quilters, blanket makers, knitters, crocheters and other fiber artists!

Writer: Krista FeierabendKrista Feierabend

The Synod is holding a quilt, blanket, and fiber crafts auction during this year’s Assembly (April 29-May 1). The auction will be both in-person and online. We know there are many talented quilters, blanket makers, and other fiber artists in our synod, and we are asking them to donate items for the auction.

The specifics of how the auction itself works will be available closer to the assembly, but, for planning purposes, we need to know who will be donating items now. Below is more information about donating items as well as a link to a sign-up survey, so you can let us know that you or your group plans on making a donation.

We welcome any fiber arts crafts: quilts, blankets, scarves, sweaters, etc., and you don’t have to make them specially for this event. If you or your group have already-made (but still new and unused) items on hand, we welcome them. Please feel free to donate more than one item if you have the ability. Also, if you are an artist who is willing to offer your services to make a custom item (a T-Shirt quilt as an example), we would also be glad to include your services in the auction.

If you would like to donate to the auction, please sign up using this link by March 15, 2022. If you have any issues with the sign up link, or, if you have any questions, please email Nia Indelicato at


Quilt, Blanket and Fiber Arts Auction Donation FAQs:

Do the items need to be at the synod assembly for the action?

By when does my quilt/blankets need to be finished?

What kinds of items are you accepting?

If I am interested in donating a custom item, how does that work?

How will the auction proceeds be used?


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