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Writer's pictureKrista Feierabend

The Synod Fabric Arts Auction

The Synod Fabric Arts Auction will be held Saturday April 30. It will take place both online and in-person at the Synod Assembly, with all in-person bids being entered into the online forum.

We have Dozens of beautiful items donated from makers throughout the Synod.

The auction can be accessed via The site is live now, but most items will not be added until closer to the auction, so if you look at it now, there may not be much to see.

Bidding starts at 8:00 a.m. and runs through 8:00 p.m*.

All winners will be contacted by an Auction administrator on either the night of April 30 or the next morning, Sunday, May 1. Please be sure to get back to us ASAP, so we can close out your purchase and arrange delivery.

We hope to send most items to winners by using Assembly delegates, who can take items back to their cities/towns and arrange delivery. But, we can ship items if needed. This is one reason, though, why we need you to be on the lookout for our calls/emails.

Items will be paid for via the Synod’s online giving platform Click on the “Fabric Arts Auction” tile and follow the directions.

All proceeds will go towards supporting the Synod’s mission and activities.

*The auction site is still being added to and all items won't be visible until the auction opens.

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