Together we are God's Grace in Motion
We believe that together we can do more, be more, and see more as the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod – loving God, one another, and our neighbors more deeply.
The Synod acts to strengthen, encourage, and support ministry by providing grants, showing up, consulting, facilitating workshops and retreats, and worshiping together in the name of Jesus.
Together, as synod, we inspire the Church to be the Church. With your help, we more effectively proclaim and embody the Good News of Jesus to our broken world in bold and grace-filled ways.
Together, as synod, we move out of our congregation’s silos to share ideas, challenges, and hopes. With your help, we create re- sources, share wisdom, and listen to each other as we discover ways to build on our strengths. The Holy Spirit is using the synod to bring people, congregations, communities, and even the world together in Jesus’ name.
Together, as synod, we are CHURCH beyond our walls - beyond the stained glass. With your help, we can bring our best creativity and thinking for where grace calls us to act.
A Synod Sustainer…
Sees God’s Grace in Motion through the ministry we do together as the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod;
Gets excited about supporting ministries working together to proclaim and embody the Good News of Jesus Christ;
Has a passion for raising up and encouraging leaders for Jesus’ church;
Is moved to feed the hungry, assist global mission partners and serve those in need;
Is inspired by learning and growing together as disciples of Jesus Christ;
Gives generously to their local congregation or ministry;
Is willing to commit to contributing to synod ministries above and beyond their support for their local congregation on a regular basis
Sound like you? Become a Synod Sustainer today…
Becoming a Synod Sustainer is easy! All you need to do is go on the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod website (aokelca.org) and fill out the simple “Synod Sustainer” form. Or… drop us an email at sara@aokelca.org or send us a letter with your contact information and monthly commitment to help us sustain and grow the ministry of the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod.
What is a Synod Sustainer?
When God's Grace is in Motion

The Synod’s Candidacy Committee has helped 37 people better discern God’s call for them. The Rev. Carrie Ballenger shares, “I appreciated knowing that people were praying for me while I was in classes, doing internships sand field education, all the while raising a family.” The synod awarded over $133,000 in grants to seminarians since 1995. The Synod also hosts annual workshops and conferences for both rostered and lay leaders.

Youth are inspired. The Synod’s Lutheran Youth Organization, Youth Leading Youth Growing in Faith, allows our youth to go take charge. Their youth plan, organize and lead all their activities (with the generous help of adult “champions” who make LYO a priority). There are opportunities for faith, fun, learning, and sharing for youth from 6th-12th grade. “The Synod and LYO have provided me with a space that I know is safe and a place that I can be myself. Over the years, the LYO has become a place where it has been made known to me that I am loved by God and everyone around me. I love going and seeing everyone; when we all come together, I see God working in all of us." Elise Lantagne.

The Synod’s Hunger Team has created a synod-wide hunger network where churches can share information and help each other problem-solve and think of new ideas. The team also promotes grants and other resources to help churches sustain their feeding ministries.

The Synod and Synod staff are a vital resource for congregations and leaders. In 2019, Bishop Mike & Pastor Liz traveled over 44,000 miles as they visited 109 congregations, conducted 51 worship services, led 14 workshops, held 31 consultations and helped coordinate 10 programs.

The Synod & ELCA financially support, provide training, coaching, & accountability structures so new starts have the best possible chance to thrive. The average new start takes between 7-10 years to become self-sustaining. We look at our new congregations like the Neighborhood & Cumidad de Esperanza with excitement & joy.