Forums, Workshops & Retreats
Workshops, Retreats and Forums are a great way for us to share our collective wisdom, experience and gifts with one another in the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod and to build up one another for ministry and mission. Listed below are a variety of topics that Bishop Mike, Pastor Becca and others in the synod can lead for your council, a group or gathering in your congregation, or for your whole congregation.
If you would like to schedule a workshop, retreat or forum for your congregation, please call, text or email Bishop Becca or call the synod office. If you have a workshop, retreat or forum you would like to lead for congregations in the synod, send us a title and brief description so we can share that with the synod. If you have an idea for a topic, let us know… we’ll see what we can do to address it.
All workshops, retreats and forum are FREE for synod congregations and ministries (your mission support dollars at work!).
Bishop Becca also enjoys being invited to lead worship, preach or lead a bible study in your congregation or ministry. Email, text or give us a call and we’ll set something up!
Three formats for engaging a topic, conversation or issue:
45 -90 minutes
An introduction and taste --
Great for before or after worship on Sundays
2-4 hours/half day
A chance to dig a little deeper
1-2 days
A relaxed time for more comprehensive engagement